
June 13, 2012

Fashion Talk - Check out this colorful dress up.

How many of you like this color combination? And post your thoughts about this colorful dressing sense. 

June 5, 2012

Street Style Fashion from Australian Fashion Week

Lucinda Constable in Australian Fashion Week  Karla Clarke in Australian Fashion Week Jessica Rees in Australian Fashion Week ...

May 24, 2012

Fashion Talk - : Original vs. Poplar designs, which is more preferred?

As always there are two sides to a coin and the same holds true when it comes to fashionable dresses. While some prefers branded and ori...

April 30, 2012

Fashion Talk - Amazing Street Fashion from London | UK

Amazing black dress style from Street Fashion in London - United Kingdom. 

April 8, 2012

Five inspiring women over 50

We’re lucky enough to live in an age of some seriously inspirational older women , who have done much to prove that reaching 50 doesn’t mean...

March 19, 2012

Fashion Talk - 25 Easy Ways To Wear Scarf


March 7, 2012

Fashion Talk's Women's day Wishes

We Wishes You All a Happy Women's day...

March 6, 2012

How to look fashionable with affordable price?

Being fashionable !!! Is what all try every morning, right? Even I do. But the problem is pocket money . Which may be the same as last year ...

February 23, 2012

Fashion talk - Scarves fashion trends for teenagers and women

" Select the perfect scarf to mix along with the style of your outfit. " A scarf is a piece of cloth which is mostly used to cove...

January 31, 2012

Latest lips make-up fashion trends for teens

Make up plays a special part in the grooming of one’s personality. Make-Up is a common term which means to be more presentable. This is an...

January 25, 2012

Fashion Talk - Valentine’s Day Fashion Trends

Women and teen girls are always particularly conscious about their looks and style . And when we talk about Valentine’s Day, it becomes f...

January 6, 2012

Fashion talk - Is this a trend?

Tucking in shirts only in the front be a trend? I don't think that this is a trend ; it's just something you do when you consider th...

December 30, 2011

Fashion Talk - Wish you all a Happy New Year

A very happy New Year 2012 for all our readers and visitors.

December 28, 2011

Streetstyle Fashion - Funky Hats

Teen Fashion Trends | Teen Fashion Accessories

December 27, 2011

What makes you special when you're 30-something?

Every one enjoys each phase of their life, I have to say. I enjoyed my clothes when I was a child, a youngster, a teen , a young woman and ...

December 22, 2011

Fashion Talk - Cambio’s MAKE THEM OVER

Cambio, the online destination for teens and young adults, is at it again bringing their active audience revolutionary exclusive video con...

December 12, 2011

Fashion Talk - Do you have to follow fashion trends?

I think a trend begins with a definite style. It can be a range from a celebrity trying something a certain way, to a common Joe or Jill wh...

December 5, 2011

Geek Glasses - A hot Fashion Accessories

It is said, " Men not at all make passes at girls who wear glasses ", but look at these dazzling ladies wearing appealing geeky...